Once upon a time in a town called kutuje, There live Mr Tortoise and his family...

Mr tortoise had a Neighbor called Snail,
Snail was a very lazy man that depends on people's  food to eat. he  always time Mr Tortoise delicacy when is ready...

One day Mr Tortoise cooked and was eating with his family then Snail came in and ate with them , He did it the 2nd day. and also the 3rd day.

Then Mr Tortoise couldnt bear it any more and he decided to play smart on Snail, then he told his neighbour Snail that there is something going on in his family, that when everywhere is quiet that means they are fighting and when there is noise everywhere that means food is ready.

Mr tortoise told snail this and he accepted...
Snail comes when noise is everywhere and he met no food...
that was how Mr Tortoise play smart on Snail from eating his delicacy until Snails decides to depend on his own.