In this post, I will be showing you how to maintain your computer, it doesn't matter if your computer is new or old, what matter's now is that you are here to learn how to maintain your computer.

I will be explaining both the hardware and software maintenance.

let's begin with the hardware.

Hardware Maintenance

  • Avoid overcharging your laptop.
One of the things we do is often plug our laptop to charge and do not remove it when it is fully charged. 

It is good to unplug your laptop when it indicates that it is fully charged and use the laptop on battery until it drains up to 20% before plugging back into a power source.

Allow to fully charge before you continue using the computer.

This process will make your laptop battery life last longer.

Tips: You can check the light indicator on the laptop to confirm it is fully charged.

  • Place the computer on a flat surface.
Do not place a laptop on a foam, mattress, or block surface, let the heat go out.

A laptop has an air vent which is designed at the side of the computer with open space. What it does is release the heat generated from the computer processor with the help of the fan in the computer.

when you block the air vent, you won't let the heat escape, and it will damage your computer.

Tips: Dust can also block the air vent, you can visit a computer engineer to clean the fan if you notice your fan is not working.

  • Shut down your computer after use.
As easy as this looks, It can make your computer system not function well if you don't shut down your computer. 

When you have finished using your computer, you need to shut down the computer system, so as to enable the system to refresh and reload all necessary components for it to function well, it can also help you install updates downloaded on your system during the period you were using it.

Tips: Your computer will hang and lag if you don't shut down often.

Hibernate: Do not hibernate for up to 24 hours, you can hibernate if you quickly want to relax and you have open software you are working on.

Sleep: You can put your computer to sleep if you want to go freshen up or eat.

Restart: You can restart your laptop if you noticed unusual behavior on your laptop

Lock: You can lock your laptop if you quickly want to use the restroom or grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen.

Sign out: You can sign out if you want to log on to another account on your computer.

  • Avoid accidentally damaging your computer
Make sure you keep liquid away from your computer, liquid will damage the system if it touches your computer and flows into the motherboard.

Do not place an object on your computer lid, it can break the computer screen.

Always put your laptop into a bag to keep it away from dust.

Now that we are in conclusion about the hardware maintenance, please note that you can easily contact a computer engineer if your computer needs a repair. Do not lose your computer if you are not an experienced engineer. You may end up damaging your computer.

Software Maintenance

  • Update the outdated software
It is good you make it a habit to update outdated software. Updating software gives you the latest app features and also improves the app from being vulnerable to viruses.

Tips: If you experience a bug after updating your software, uninstall the update and help the developer by using the send feedback button to enable the developer to debug the software and release another update.

  • Clear temporary files
Temporary files not only provide you enough space on your computer storage, but it also helps to remove unwanted files that can be vulnerable to viruses.

Tips: You can clear temp files by searching the run program and typing %temp%, then permanently delete the files. You can check the skip option if some files are currently in use.

  • Uninstall unused software
You don't need to keep unused software on your computer, uninstall it and keep your computer safe from trojans and viruses.

Tips: You can always install the updated software back from the developer website if you need it in the future.

  • Archive old files
Archiving old files will keep your file safe from being corrupt. A corrupt file on a computer system can make the computer vulnerable to a virus attack.

You can archive using third-party software.

Tips: You can skip a file that does not archive, the file might have been corrupt or in use by the system. Manually delete the corrupt files permanently.

Use Task Manager to end the program preventing the file from archiving, or you can try the archive later after the computer restart.

This is the conclusion of software maintenance, ensure you always visit this blog often as we will keep sharing important tips about Education, Motivation, and Entertainment. 

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