DAY 21
The study of JEHOSHEBA (2 Kings 11)
JEHOSHEBA, the woman of courage who guided the little king Joash from death. She raised him to become what was said of him, she gave him all the trainings he needed for the kingdom he will take over.
She raised the king who came back to destroy the gods of the land and raised the banner of the living God. Her investment in the life of a little boy brought about the liberation of people.
Dear WOMAN, you can help someone when you notice the work of the devil around them.
What is your investment in the life of other that pushes them to fulfilling their God-given purpose?
Dear WOMAN, you can help people to finding their path unto purpose; your investment might look little to you but that little drop can save several generations. Do not despise your little investment or contribution.
Your little investment can bring a great harvest later.
The beauty of a life well spent is the ability to invest positively in others.
She invested in a child not hers just because she wanted him to become what he ought to be.
Dear WOMAN, she/he doesn't have to be your child or even relative. Try to use your life to invest in other people's purpose.
Life isn't about you alone, there are a lot of people's destiny hanging on your helping hand. Do the needful. Your investment in that person would save the WORLD, family and nations.
Sandra Oluwadamilola Akinwande
Pen of the ready Writer
The study of JEHOSHEBA: The woman of courage
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